Starting Weight: 266.1
Today's Weight: 263.5
Weight Loss: ↓ 2.6
I am very shocked that there is a weight loss up there! A lot has been going on since I last posted. I have lost all motivation, I have had the flu, I quit my job last Thursday (ongoing disagreement with management) and I broke a toe Saturday Night. So as you can see I have pretty much hit bottom and am starting my journey to climb out again.
I have a wonderful, loving, supportive husband who is behind me completely. It is so nice to have someone who loves and believes in you no matter what. I sent off a resume today and I am pretty sure that I will be called in for an interview so cross your fingers for me. It was time for a change, I finally excepted that, and its time to move on.
Hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend! I will post again soon.