Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Final Countdown

2020 - Broke Me. 
2021 - Opened My Eyes.
2022 - I'm Coming Back!
2023 - Wait and See!!

2022 is ending, and 2023 is beginning.

As most of you know 2022 has been my year of rebuilding my life. I have been working hard on myself and finding my way again. I have made some positive changes over the past year.

I continued the journey I started in October 2021 to get stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. I got serious about my health and started eating healthier, joined a gym and I began exercising. I am finishing the year 49.6 pounds lighter, after some health issues the last month.

I got my driver’s license after many years of driving without one (It is a long story). This was a huge accomplishment for me and took several trips to the DMV.

I got a promotion at work and am finally in a position I enjoy. It is hard work but I enjoy every minute of it.

While these are all things to celebrate, I recognize that I still have work to do. Those small steps may have gotten me closer to my best life, but I definitely still have some distance to cover.

The first month of 2023 will bring exciting things. I am happy to report I will be continuing my journey in the new year in my own place. I am starting from scratch again which is scary and exciting at the same time.

I’ll be ringing in the new year at home in my pjs trying to stay awake long enough to see the ball drop!
May we all find peace, happiness, love and purpose in 2023!

Monday, December 26, 2022

My Journey

The distance between who I am and who I want to be is only separated by what I do!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Twas The Night Before Christmas

Wishing all my family and friends a wonderful Christmas Eve filled with joy, magic, laughter and lots and lots of love. 🎄

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Keep Growing

Keep growing into the best version of yourself.
Don't ever let anyone try and steal your dreams!
Not even YOU.