If you had to choose one word to describe the past 365 days, what would it be?
My word would be progress.
In the very obvious sense of the word, I have made some positive changes over the past year. I began exercising again and discovered I did have time and I could do it. I stopped drinking soda for 184 days. I ended a relationship that I had held onto for way to long because I didn't want to hurt him, all the while not considering the hurt it was causing me. I will also end the year 13.6 pounds lighter than when I started, since gaining 13.6 pounds back the last three months.
While these are all things to celebrate, I recognize that I still have work to do. Those small steps may have gotten me closer to my best life, but I definitely still have some distance to cover.
That is where the second meaning comes in. I am a work in progress. The old me may have viewed this year as a disappointment -13.6 pounds in a year, really? As a perfectionist, I have always believed that the definition of failure is missing a goal. Well I have missed many goals this year, but this year is different, I am much more forgiving of myself and have learned to celebrate any accomplishment, no matter how small.
I’m not a huge believer in resolutions, because I have made several over the course of the years and have not really kept any. I feel sometimes that making resolutions just sets a person up to fail. I am trying to take things slowly with a goal of losing 6 pounds a month. This goal is completely attainable; in the past, I have lost 20 pounds in just under two months time. I am being realistic about the rate at which I can lose weight now – I do not have the free time nor energy to lose at the rate I used to. So 30 pounds in 5 months is my first goal, my second goal is to reach ONEderland (199) and the 100 pounds lost mark (198) and my ultimate goal is to reach the weight that is pretty healthy for me: 160 pounds.
The first month of 2013 will bring exciting things. I'm settling into a blossoming relationship with a wonderful man who has changed my life, he is relocating from Florida and moving in with me on January 12. We both look forward to starting our new life together and learning all the new things you learn when living with someone as opposed to dating from a far. My granddaughter will turn 2 on January 27 and her sister is due any moment now so she will also be a January blessing more then likely.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year celebration. I will be spending it with a quiet evening at home alone. Wishing You All a New Year Filled With Peace, Joy, Health and Prosperity.