Monday, August 25, 2014

Tales of the Scale ~ Week 35

Starting Weight: 276.6
Last Weigh In Weight: 273.2 
Today's Weigh In Weight: 272.6 
This Week's Weight Loss: ↓ 0.6
 BMI: 44.0 - Extremely Obese 
Total Weight Loss: 4.0 lbs

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Revisiting New Year Goals

I am truly looking forward to 2014 as being a year of new beginnings, adventures and a healthy, happy me. I have my goals in place and I look forward to watching them unfold! I might add more things to the list as the year progresses, but I definitely want to be able to check off all of the below by the end of 2014.

1. Pay off all three credit cards.
  • Balance as of 12/31/13: $535.51 ~ Not Completed
  • Balance as of 12/31/13: $419.23 ~ Not Completed 
  • Balance as of 12/31/13: $371.12 ~ Not Completed 
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 713.63   ~ Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 561.50   ~ Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 310.88   ~ Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 283.00   ~ Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 270.09   ~ Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 213.50   ~ Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 171.80   ~ Paid Off 1/15/14
3. By end of the year have all utility bills on automatic bill pay.
  • Nevada Energy:     ~ Completed.  2/14/2014
  • Cox Cable:            ~ Completed.  3/5/2014
  • Verizon Wireless ~ Completed.  2/14/2014
  • Southwest Gas:     ~ Completed.  2/14/2014
4. Increase Credit Score. Starting Score 12/31/13: 541  08/22/2014: 588
5. Increase my 401k contribution to 5%  ~ Completed.  1/5/2014
6. Buy stock and make a profit.   ~ Completed.  3/5/2014
7. Set aside $50.00 each paycheck into the “Home Sweet Home” savings account. ~ Not Completed
8. Participate in the 52 Week Challenge and deposit into the “Rainy Day” savings account. ~ Not Completed
9. Set up an entertainment budget of $100.00 a month to use as decided. ~ Not Completed
10. Collect and cash in my change. (Change Jar ready to go) ~ Not Completed

 Health and Well Being:
1. Find a specialist to treat my balance disorder .  ~Completed. 1/14/2014
2. Lose 50 pounds. ~ A work in progress.
3. Walk 3 times a week, at least a mile each time ~ A work in progress.
4. Drink more water ~ A work in progress.
5. I will participate in a 5K. ~Completed. 5/3/2014
6. Spend less time online ~ A work in progress.
7. Read one book a month ~ A work in progress.
8. I will learn to start reducing stress. ~ Not Completed
9. I will learn to deal with the stress that I can’t cut from my life. (yoga maybe?) ~ Not Completed
10. I will strive for progress not perfection ~ A work in progress.

1.  Get my driver’s license, after 13 years I think it is time. ~ Not Completed
2.  Get divorce finalized~Completed. 9/12/2014
3.  Get Married~Completed. 9/13/2014
4.  Get our own place.  ~Completed. 10/31/2014
5.  Get our own vehicle.  ~Completed.10/27/2014
6.  Plan and go on one weekend (4 days) getaway.  ~Completed. 7/10-15/2014 
7.  Be the best partner I can be and appreciate my partner’s efforts at being the same.~ A work in progress.
8.  Get more sleep. Be in bed with the lights out by 11:00pm. ~ A work in progress.
9.  Do not be late for work, get up earlier and get my head in the game. ~ A work in progress.
10. I will quit complaining/whining/blaming/making excuses. I will strive to Be Happy. ~ A work in progress.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Tales of the Scale ~ Week 34

Starting Weight: 276.6
Last Weigh In Weight: 276.6 
Today's Weigh In Weight: 273.2 
This Week's Weight Loss: ↓ 3.4
 BMI: 44.1 - Extremely Obese 
Total Weight Loss: 3.4 lbs