In a way, searching for a job is more exhausting and stressful than actually working at one. For four solid weeks, I have devoted my time and energy to things like improving my resume, studying the want ads, and setting up the all elusive interview. Today and yesterday the job search websites and listings have been very light, almost nothing new, and the stuff that is new is lousy! Low-paying crap with no benefits, telemarketing, and commission jobs.
I think the interview yesterday went well, but then again, what the hell do I know? If I was brilliant as all that, I guess I'd have a job by now. I followed up on a couple of more job leads this afternoon after sleeping for about 20 hours (really good meds) and I have another interview set up tomorrow at 1pm at a nearby hotel/casino for a operator position. It sounds like a great position, the commute is decent, and the pay is alot better than my last job.
Bruce has been so strong and supportive during this. There has not been one thing that I have wanted to do that he has not supported. He stands by me regardless of what it is, and when I have failed at what I set out to do, he is still there encouraging me to go on. He is simply amazing.
Alright back to my regular business of worrying, fretting, and panicking about my joblessness and lack of money. Why should today be any different?