Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Weekend on my Journey

The weekend usually is the deal breaker with me when I am attempting to lose weight. You are at home for like 60 hours with access to a kitchen full of "evil food" just calling you to come get it. Yes that evil PIE is still on the counter and NO I still have not gave in to its constant calling.

I slept in late this morning (9:30am) and got up sick at my stomach and barely able to walk. My legs were so sore from yesterday (No Pain No Gain... wait shouldnt that be No Pain No Loss) but as I moved around they got better. I bought three books from Amazon. "Secrets of a Former Fat Girl" , "100 Days of Weight Loss" and "Life is Hard, Food is Easy". I can't wait for them to get here next week. In the meantime, I broke out my Biggest Loser book looking for recipe ideas. There are a few things I am going to attempt to make. While thumbing through the book one particular quote stuck in my head. "You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction".

I am continuing to move forward. I'm just taking it one day at a time and I'm doing the best that I can each day. That is all a person can do. I am really having trouble focusing today. I have started dinner, and I am sitting here with a headache. After dinner I am taking a 30 minute walk with my husband and Kody since I have done absolutely NO exercise today. Well ok I have went up and down the stairs 4 times does that count??

Tune it tomorrow for my first official weigh in!!