Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Let them eat CAKE

Well cupcakes to be exact.  If you recall from my previous post I was complaining about my company buying cakes, cupcakes, bagels, ice cream and pies like every other day this month to celebrate some unknown holiday or event! Yesterday was no different, and tomorrow there will be a mexican buffet to celebrate Halloween and Nevada Day.  I wonder what Tacos have to do with either?

On a happy note I am losing weight again, but man it has not been easy!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tales of the Scale

Starting Weight:  268.2
Today's Weight: 268.0
Weight Loss: ↓ 0.2
BMI: 43.3 - Extremely Obese

Friday, October 22, 2010

So.... Is this a clinic or a bakery?

I love my job!  I am sure I have mentioned that many times in previous entries.  But, I have discovered this past month that my job is having an identity crisis!  There has been so many bagels, cakes, pies, cupcakes and muffins in this office that I am not sure anymore if I work in a clinic or a bakery.   I can already see that the holidays in this office are going to take every bit of willpower I can mustard up and then some!  Hell its only October, I can only imagine what November and December are going to be like.

I have nothing against eating cake and cookies on special occasions, but I can not on everyday that ends in a “y”.  If I ate every cookie, cake, pie and bagel I were offered, I would weigh 300 pounds again.  The sad thing is there are sabotagers among me also.  You say "No Thank You" and they act all offended or they say "One will not hurt you".  Uhmmm I don't want it! What did you not understand?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tales of the Scale

Starting Weight:  267.8
Today's Weight:  268.2
Weight Gain:  ↑ 0.4

Monday, October 11, 2010

I Resisted an Evil Temptation!!

I love my job working as an operator at a cancer clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada.  The only issue I have is that there is always someone (drug reps, patients, management) bringing in food for us.  Above you will see the evil temptation of the day!  Good Grief!! That icing probably has my caloric intake for the entire week!!  No, I did not eat it but I did think it was pretty so I took a picture!  On another unhappy note, I gained 3.4 pounds this past week.  My eating was not bad and I have been drinking gallons of water.  I am going to blame it on TOM and being bloated and hope for better numbers next week!  

Starting Weight: 264.4
Today's Weight: 267.8
Weight Gain:  ↑     3.4

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tales of the Scale

Starting Weight: 267.8
Today's Weight: 268.6
Weight Gain:  ↑ 0.8

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Evil Lasagna

Today was a very nice day. I slept in late (really late). After I woke up Bruce and I got dressed and went out to run some errands. First we went to the salon so I could get my bangs cut out of my eyes. I am happy to report I no longer look like a sheep dog. Then we went and check on the mechanic and the progress (or should I say lack of progress) on our car. He said it would be ready by tonight, he still has not called. Next stop was our favorite little casino to try to win a million bucks, of course we just left fifty dollars poorer. The final stop was Wal-Mart to buy some groceries. So we go in and I ask the normal questions what do we need? I got the response milk, bread, pepsi (not for me!). Then I asked my darling husband what he would like for dinner. His response was "I don't know what do you want?" I said I asked you first now what do you want for dinner. He thought a few moment then looked at me with those big puppy dog eyes and said. "Can you make some lasagna?" My head started spinning at this point! LOL!! The little voice in my head of course says "Lasagna??? Really???? OMG you didn't just ask me that now did you?!?" The good wife in me said "Of course dear".

So tonight I made lasagna for dinner for my family with a big ole bowl of salad. I was worried that I would not be able to control myself and would sit down and eat about three servings like I normally do, but I didn't. I sat down at the table with my glass of milk and had a very large serving of salad with two tablespoons of italian dressing and then had a small portion of lasagna. I am very happy to report that that one serving satisfied me and I did not blow my caloric intake for the entire day! Yay Me!!! So I am happy to report that evil lasagna is not so evil anymore!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So what should I blog about today?  Oh wait!! I know!!! Let talk about hunger and how I have no idea what I want to put into my body!  I am so tired of salad and baked chicken.  I have been doing very well with my Special K Protein Shake for breakfast and lunch.  Then I get home in the evening and open the refrigerator and stand there in front of it saying "What do I want" or "What can I have" that will not undo my day of being good.  The answer is usually "There is nothing in here" or "We have nothing to eat in this house" then I just sigh and bake my chicken breast and vegetables.  I guess the problem is I am bored with food.  I really do not crave sweets, chocolate, salt or fast food.   I just really don't know what I want to eat, or what I can eat that will not undo my whole calorie count for the day.

So I guess its time to search online for some new healthy food recipes. Anyone out there have any suggestions?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Illness and Uncertainty

Its been a rough 10 days or so for me. I have been sick, I have been tired, I have been made a human pin cushion and I have cried. I have actually cried a lot, about what it could be, might be, will be. So the day arrives and I get back all my blood test and everything they tested for is in the normal range. My cholesterol is down to 150 from 220, my glucose is down to 75 from 113, I have no infections, and everything else looks great! So I ask, why am I still sick? My friends are throwing around things like fibromyagia, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Of course along with all this illness and uncertainty has come stress. Stress equals EATING. I have gotten off track with my diet and have been getting no exercise due to lack of energy. Now when I say off track I am not eating everything in sight but I have been bad. I had home made taco salad last night and let me tell you it tasted heavenly! I am certain I did not go over my calories by very much if at all, but I was weak and I am ashamed of that.

I'm sorry but aren't you suppose to begin to feel better once you start losing weight?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hanging in There

I’m not sure what to say. The last week has been extremely difficult for me. Weight-wise, I have been eating everything in sight. It’s not attractive, and I’m pretty disgusted with myself. I hate everything, my mirror, my weight, my actual life.

Starting Weight: 266.8
Today's Weight: 267.8
Weight Gain:  ↑ 1.0

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Life Happens

Tomorrow is my first day back to work and is also my first weigh in after being so sick. I am anxious to see what my illness and the extra stress did to my weight this week.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday?!? Again?!? Really?!?!

Starting Weight: 274.0
Todays Weight : 266.8
Weight Loss : ↓ 7.2

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Crawling back onto the wagon

Starting Weight: 272.6
Today's Weight: 274.0
Weight Gain:  ↑ 1.4

I had a nice three-day weekend. It started Friday night at Buffalo Wild Wings with my husband Bruce. After dinner, we went to see Jeff Dunham perform at Caesar's Palace. His show was excellent as always. It was my husbands first time to see him live and my fourth time :) My only complaint is the seats were very UNCOMFORTABLE. They were definitely not fat-friendly. I was wedged in this seat for 2 hours and thought it was going to take the jaws of life to remove me. Come on Ceasar's Palace for the ticket prices you charge the least you could do is have comfortable seating!

Saturday we went to a buffet and did some gambling. I won for a change which was nice and I didn't actually do too bad at the buffet. The rest of my weekend consisted of housework and laundry.

Monday we took a picnic lunch and went to Valley of Fire National Park in Overton, Nevada. It was beautiful scenery and we spent about 5 hours hiking and taking photos. Of course, the picnic consisted of things I should not be eating, but since it was a holiday I gave in and ate it. I know I should not be eating this stuff but sometimes it is so hard to resist. I rationalized that with all the extra walking I would "work it off". "No apologies. No excuses." It is what it is. A mistake.

So this morning I woke up determined to get back on track. I am going to try the Special K protein shake for breakfast and lunch and then a sensible dinner plan this week and see how I do. I also have a refrigerator full of apples, oranges, grapes, and salad makings.

So wish me luck for this new week of challenges, temptations, excuses, and failures.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I really did move it move it :)

Well a lot has happened since my last entry here. So let me catch everyone up to date.

Bruce, Kody and I on a spree of the moment packed up a U-Haul truck and moved back to Las Vegas, Nevada. We arrived late Wednesday, May 19, and moved into our new apartment on Thursday, May 20. The following Monday I had a job interview and was called back and hired within a couple of hours of leaving the business. I started my new WONDERFUL job and my new weight loss adventure on Monday, June 1. My starting weight was 298 pounds.

I really haven't been weighing myself but I could tell I was losing weight because the nursing scrubs I bought when I started my new job are now beginning to fall off of me. So today I finally decided to get on the scale and to my amazement I discovered I have officially lost 25 pounds (273). I have planned to step up my exercise starting tomorrow and plan to do a weekly weigh in on Mondays (but we all know how that goes).

So tomorrow is the start of another week. Another week of challenges to stay on track. Stay tuned here to see what my new week brings.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I got to move it move it!!

Well it has been a while since I updated my blog. Sorry I get like that sometimes, I will try to do better. Today I am officially 10 days caffeine/pepsi free and its my second day of my new exercise routine. I am making a real attempt at getting back on track with getting my health back.

Kody and I have walked around the city block the past two morning. It really isn't that bad and he enjoys chasing the birds, cats and whatever other small random creatures crosses our path. I will not say I enjoy it as of yet but I have made a conscious decision to start. I hope after a week of this I can start twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

The next step is going to pay the fee to get access to the on site workout room here where we live. I am glad we have a workout room on property because I will be more likely to use it since it is so close. I can go throw some clothes in the wash which is right next door and then exercise for 30 minutes while they wash and then put them in the dryer and do the same.

Well that is about it for now. We are under a winter storm warning and expecting rain today (snow above 7000 feet). I will be happy when it starts I just love the rain.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy January 1, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you had a great holiday season and you are ready to embrace a new year and new decade. 2010 presents a fresh new year with three hundred and sixty-five days full of possibilities. When you look at the clean slate it presents, it’s only natural to resolve to make the most of the opportunities to come.

This year I hope to achieve the following goals.
  • I’m going to be the best, loving, supportive partner that I can be for my wonderful husband and love of my life Bruce.
  • I’m going to surround myself with positive people. Toxic people have no place in my life and I will not let them in, whether they are blood relations or not.
  • I'm going to do what makes me happy, not what others believe I should do.
  • I’m going to join a gym (again) and start going at least 3 times a week.
  • I’m going to start buying healthier food (again).
  • I’m going to get as close to my goal weight as possible in a safe and healthy way.
  • I’m going to increase my fitness levels so I can have a great time exploring Arizona with my wonderful husband Bruce. There is so much to see and do.
  • I’m going to go back to school to better myself for a more secure future.
  • I’m going to take a photography class. I love photography and would like to learn all about it.
I'm feeling hopeful that my life is headed in the right direction. Moving forward I accept that I may occasionally falter in my journey. I know it will be very difficult, but I also know it will be worth it.