I love my job! I am sure I have mentioned that many times in previous entries. But, I have discovered this past month that my job is having an identity crisis! There has been so many bagels, cakes, pies, cupcakes and muffins in this office that I am not sure anymore if I work in a clinic or a bakery. I can already see that the holidays in this office are going to take every bit of willpower I can mustard up and then some! Hell its only October, I can only imagine what November and December are going to be like.
I have nothing against eating cake and cookies on special occasions, but I can not on everyday that ends in a “y”. If I ate every cookie, cake, pie and bagel I were offered, I would weigh 300 pounds again. The sad thing is there are sabotagers among me also. You say "No Thank You" and they act all offended or they say "One will not hurt you". Uhmmm I don't want it! What did you not understand?