Started out my month with spring time allergies. They are a lot better now. I don't know what those little bushes with the white flowers are but they all need to be dug up and moved to somewhere like say ohhhhh Alaska!!! After that I got an ear and throat infection which took two rounds of antibiotics to cure. I already have Meniere’s disease which is an inner ear disorder, so for me to also have an ear infection it makes life very interesting! About the time this all started healing I got up at work and started walking down the hall, got dizzy, lost my balance, and sprained my ankle. I am happy to say I got medical clearance from the doctor Friday. So hopefully things will begin to get back to normal around here!
With all this going on I managed to gain 7.6 pounds which I am happy to announce I have managed to lose 3.6 of since April 9th. Hopefully now that I can get back to walking my 45-60 minutes a day the rest will melt away fairly fast and I can get back to my goal which is to be in the size 20 jeans hanging inside my closet door by my birthday on May 9th. I also have my first 5K coming up on May 5th which I am anxious, nervous and excited about all at the same time!!
Here's to writing new chapters in our lives!