Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals and Dreams

I am truly looking forward to 2014 as being a year of new beginnings, adventures and a healthy, happy me. I have my goals in place and I look forward to watching them unfold! I might add more things to the list as the year progresses, but I definitely want to be able to check off all of the below by the end of 2014.

1. Pay off all three credit cards.
  • Balance as of 12/31/13: $535.51 
  • Balance as of 12/31/13: $419.23 
  • Balance as of 12/31/13: $371.12 
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 713.63   ~Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 561.50   ~Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 310.88   ~Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 283.00   ~Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 270.09   ~Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 213.50   ~Paid Off 1/15/14
  • Balance as of 12/31/13:  $ 171.80   ~Paid Off 1/15/14
3. By end of the year have all utility bills on automatic bill pay.
  • Nevada Energy:    ~ Completed.  2/14/2014
  • Cox Cable:           ~ Completed.  3/5/2014
  • Verizon Wireless ~ Completed.  2/14/2014
  • Southwest Gas:    ~ Completed.  2/14/2014
4. Increase Credit Score. Starting Score 12/31/13: 541  08/22/2014: 588
5. Increase my 401k contribution to 5%  ~ Completed.  1/5/2014
6. Buy stock and make a profit~ Completed.  3/5/2014
7. Set aside $50.00 each paycheck into the “Home Sweet Home” savings account.  
8. Participate in the 52 Week Challenge and deposit into the “Rainy Day” savings account. 
9. Set up an entertainment budget of $100.00 a month to use as decided. 
10. Collect and cash in my change. (Change Jar ready to go) 

 Health and Well Being:
1. Find a specialist to treat my balance disorder .  ~Completed. 1/14/2014
2. Lose 50 pounds. ~ A work in progress.
3. Walk 3 times a week, at least a mile each time ~ A work in progress.
4. Drink more water ~ A work in progress.
5. I will participate in a 5K. ~Completed. 5/3/2014
6. Spend less time online ~ A work in progress.
7. Read one book a month ~ A work in progress.
8. I will learn to start reducing stress. 
9. I will learn to deal with the stress that I can’t cut from my life. (yoga maybe?) 
10. I will strive for progress not perfection ~ A work in progress.

1.  Get my driver’s license, after 13 years I think it is time.
2.  Get divorce finalized. ~ A work in progress.
3.  Get married. ~ A work in progress.
4.  Get our own home. ~ A work in progress.
5.  Plan and go on one weekend (4 days) get away.  ~Completed. 7/10-15/2014
6.  Spend New Year’s Eve 2014 on the strip with my partner.
7.  Be the best partner I can be and appreciate my partner’s efforts at being the same.~ A work in progress.
8.  Get more sleep. Be in bed with the lights out by 11:00pm. ~ A work in progress.
9.  Do not be late for work, get up earlier and get my head in the game. ~ A work in progress.
10. I will quit complaining/whining/blaming/making excuses. I will strive to Be Happy. ~ A work in progress.