Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The 365/100 Project

Last Weigh In Weight: 283.6
Today's Weigh In Weight:  287.0
Weight Gain: ↑ 3.4
BMI: 44.9 - Obesity Class III 
Total Weight Loss: ↓ 28.0

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you had a great holiday season and you are ready to embrace a new year. 2019 presents a fresh new year with three hundred and sixty-five days of possibilities. When you look at the clean slate it presents what do you see? I see the opportunity to get back on track and continue the journey I started in August 2017.

I am starting the year 28.0 pounds lighter. It is not a hugely impressive number, but that is 28.0 pounds I will never see again. This year I am going to continue the journey of health, healing, and change. I'm feeling hopeful that my life is headed in the right direction.

I've titled this blog post "The 365/100 Project" not just because I needed a clever title, but because this is the first day of my goals to lose 100 pounds this year. Each and every day I continue this journey I learn something new to help me along the way. Weight loss is a constant struggle for me and I am sure it always will be.

2019 Goals and Dreams

Health and Well Being:
1. Lose 100 pounds.
2. Walk 3 times a week, at least a mile each time.
3. Walk at least two 5K in 2019.
4. Buy bikes for me and hubby.
5. Use new bikes for a new exercise routine.
6. Drink more water.
7. Spend less time online.
8. Get more sleep. Be in bed with the lights out by 11:00pm.
9. Do not be late for work, get up earlier and get my head in the game.
10. Take more Bubble Baths

1. Pay off the car. Balance $5,693.56
2. Pay off Student Loans. Balance $2209.54
3. Set aside $50.00 each paycheck into the “Rainy Day” savings account.
4. Set up an entertainment budget of $50.00 a month to use as decided.
5. Increase Credit Score. Starting Score - 12/29/2018: 498

1. Get my driver’s license, after 18 years I think it is time.
2. Plan and go on at least one weekend (4 days) get away.
3. Spend New Year’s Eve 2019 on the strip with my partner.

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