Last Weigh In Weight: 268.8
Today's Weigh In Weight: 261.8
This Week's Weight Loss: ↓ 7.0
BMI: 42.3 - Extremely Obese
Total Weight Loss: 36.8 lbs
Hubby and I dropped off our car at our local MIDAS this morning so they could check it out and let us know what was causing the engine to vibrate violently and what it would cost to repair it. Hubby was told after they got through with their inspection that the coil pack was leaking oil into the spark plugs and that the pack, spark plugs, spark plug wires had to be replaced, they also recommended a tune-up and said they would throw in a "free" oil change. They started at $800.00 and finally settled on $600.00. He was told that he could pick up the car in 2-3 hours they would call when it was ready. Total Weight Loss: 36.8 lbs
Well, almost 6 hours later he received a phone call that all that work was completed but the engine was still vibrating "a little" so we also needed a timing belt which would cost an additional $400.00. I was so angry! I told him NO tell them not to do anything else to the car and we would pick it up when I got off of work. We went and paid and picked up our car and was told again that the engine will still be vibrating "a little" until we get the timing belt replaced but that the car was safe to drive and that it was a lot better. I drove it home and they had done nothing to repair the car it was still doing the exact same thing it was doing when we dropped it off this morning.
We went to dinner and then on the way home stopped at Walmart so I could run in and get some frozen yogurt. I stood in this long ass line waiting to purchase my frozen yogurt (cause that's how I roll) and I was watching this beautiful little girl in front of me playing with a barbie doll in a box. Mom and Dad got to the register to pay for the few food items they had and took the doll away from the little girl and placed it off to the side. The little girl started crying and I could tell the mother was heartbroken, they obviously could not afford it. So to make a long story short (though I think it is too late for that) I had the cashier ring up the doll and I gave it to that little girl. The smile on her face could have lit up the Las Vegas Strip, and for probably the first time this week I forgot all my problems and was very content and happy for a little while.
Orange and Hot Tea
Turkey Breast Sandwich - 210 calories
V8 juice - 50 calories
1 cup grapes - 110 calories
Small Salad
Roast Turkey
Green Beans
Brussel Sprouts
Carrots, Squash and Chestnuts
Iced Tea
90-100 ounces
Completed a 1.21 mile walking activity. (Day 19)