Sunday, December 30, 2007


There are days in this life I lead, in which I can only wish for them to never end.

There are days in this life I lead, in which I find myself weary, weary of feeling.

Our lives are filled with moments. So many moments.

We wish for the joyful moments, dream of them, ache for them.

In recent months, my moments have been filled with joy, sadness, love, despair, relief, fear, dread, angst, hilarity, laughter, small smiles, and many more tears than I have ever wished to shed.

As I pause to examine these moments of my life, many have made me weary and I have wished for them to leave me. But, upon closer examination, each of these moments, no matter how draining, have been filled with gifts.

The gift of self-knowledge, the gift of knowing I am loved, the gift of faith in myself, the gift of hope, the gift of dreams, so many more gifts I am unable to name.

These moments of my life have allowed my to see more clearly.

Fear is not my enemy, it is my teacher, I grow stronger each time I face a new one down.

Tears are not my enemy, they cleanse my soul, and enable me to face another day.

Anger has not visited me recently, I am hoping it does not, but if it does, I will not view it as an enemy, but as one more lesson of life that I must learn from.

I know there will be many, so many moments in future days and months to come, when my emotions will run up and down the scale. Moments I will wish out of existence.

But, there is also a fragment of my soul, or perhaps a small glittering light in my heart, that allows me to know there will always be moments, albeit often infinitesimal ones, but, there will be moments of peaceful contentment.